A smile coming in from my window-- Fresh-cut grass and lilac.
It's lovely. Languid, even. Like my thoughts...
Carried by a warm, gentle breeze.
It's peaceful. Calm. A perfect day to just breathe.
But it's also a perfect day for a thunderstorm.
Beneath that sweet lilac scent, I think I can smell rain.
This must be the calm before the storm.
Another reflection of life. Always changing.
Life, like the weather, has its ups and downs. A warm summer day can quickly turn stormy if the conditions are right. I suppose this is true for people, too.
I see it most at family reunions.
I think the trick to handling life is the same as handling the weather: Enjoy the warm breeze and sunshine, but don't be surprised (or discouraged) when a few storms pop up. Know that the storm will pass .Remember that some storms can come up fast, and sometimes water gets in before we can shut our windows. It's okay. Water dries. Wounds heal.
Sometimes it rains hard, and sometimes for many days. Take solace in knowing that it can't rain forever, and that the sun will shine again, even if it's not quite as soon as we'd sometimes want.
Remember also that what appear to be storm clouds on the horizon may turn out to be nothing more than a summer shower, necessary for those nice smelling lilacs to flourish. Don't sweat the small stuff, as they say.
Enjoy you nice days, accept those summer showers and appreciate everything-- good and bad-- as an indispensable part of life. The grass is only green because it rains. Without the occasional thunderstorm, these lilac-scented breezes just wouldn't be as sweet.
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