Monday, August 26, 2013

Dear Relatives:

YOU are becoming the #1 reason why we want to leave! It's not the weather, the economy, our location or the fact that there are no jobs here... It's the notion of having relatives pop over whenever they please to do whatever...

Apparently my uncle thinks I'm incapable of cutting the grass.
And my aunt (well, everyone, actually) thinks I'm incapable of being a psychologist or finishing college.
What supportive people.

Alright. Ranting done. Unless I find something else to rant about, which is entirely possible.

So May has ended, June and July come and gone, and August almost over and done with. We're still here. The house JUST got put up on the market. Way later than we'd wanted, but I'll take whatever I can get at this point. Hopefully we'll get some offers soon.

June was uneventful. *shrug*

July was almost uneventful, save for the fact that I dislocated and sprained my knee. Yep. And how did I manage this, you ask? Walking. Yep again. So I spent a couple of days on crutches last month, quickly decided that I loathe said crutches and tossed them into my closet. I'm fine now though. Good as new-ish.

Moving on to this month. We got our house up on the market I think two weeks ago. And we've already had three showings. The realtor says that there is a lot of interest in the house and that she thinks it should sell quickly. Good. Except, it could have sold yesterday and it wouldn't have been quick enough for me. I want out of here in the worst way.

"Patience is bitter, but it's fruit is sweet."

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