Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Less-Than Merry Christmas

So. Mom's in the hospital now. Heavy-- seriously guys, like WTF-- vaginal bleeding. I think it has something to do with her prolapse.

So, now she's off to the hospital. Tch. I've been nagging her to make an appointment for months, but she never listens to me.

*sigh* Chances are I'll be spending Christmas alone. Doesn't matter. As long as she's safe and okay, I'll be fine too.

I'm soo exhausted. I really overextended myself today, trying to cover for her and do everything. Pretty sore too, I'll feel that tomorrow... Well, today, now, I guess.

This red wine doesn't have nearly enough alcohol in it. >.> I guess this is what I get for being thankful that 2013 was free of serious medical emergencies (I refuse to count anything that happened to me because I'll always be fine. I'm too stubborn to have things go otherwise). Now I get one at the very end. And on Christmas, no less.

...Screw you, Universe.
If nothing else, it will be a quiet night tonight.

Happy and safe holidays to all, and all the best for the new year.
"Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who
bring you things you never asked for and don't always like."
                                                                               -- Lemony Snicket

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