Wednesday, December 11, 2013

It's Too Early For This

Noon doesn't seem early, but I don't think there's ever a good time for this kind of news. Another relative passed away on Monday. His funeral is tomorrow.

He had cancer. Lots of cancer. It was in his bones, and in his brain, his kidneys were shutting down. I can't imagine he was comfortable, but I hope his passing was at least peaceful. His wife is taking it hard, I don't doubt. It's always hard but... Man, I'm not looking forward to tomorrow.

So there's another one gone. And apparently another still is at his final days, seeing as they're throwing the word Hospice around. I may well have another funeral to attend before the year is out. If not then, then I'm certain the first part of next. 2013 has been... bumpy.

Still, we move on. We have to. The world keeps turning no matter how much we struggle. Time waits for no one. With every black cloud there remains a silver lining. The dead might be lost, but never forgotten. So this Christmas season we should all be that much more thankful for the family we still have. Nothing lasts forever, so we should cherish our kin while we still can.

Now, enough of that. As I said, time waits for no one, and I have cookies to bake and a blanket to finish... Dishes to do and laundry. At least my knee finally fixed itself. I'd be grateful to not have to deal with that again-- I like being able to walk without a limp, it's faster.
"The timing of death, like the ending of a story, gives a changed meaning to what preceded it."
                                                                                                       --Mary Catherine Bateson

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