Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Simple Joy...

... Of an old-school peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Yum. You know, most people would think that living month to month and having a ridiculously small amount of groceries would be a horrible, life altering experience... But it's not so bad. It really does make you appreciate the simple things a little more. I mean, really, there's A LOT you can do with eggs, and bread is a staple for a reason. lol Not sure why, but that sandwich was so deliciously nostalgic that I felt the need to write about it.

'Course, that might be partially due to the fact that I'm pretty bored at the moment. I lack the motivation to do knitting, and I just finished a coloring page... And my hand is cramped. I really need to learn to relax when I do these things, I'm gonna give myself carpel tunnel. >.< Anyway, enough complaining!

It's only about quarter to one, so not much has happened... And it's Bay City, so not much is going to. lol Today might be one of those multiple posts/entries days. I'm bored, but I clearly don't have enough information to give an interesting entry. So I guess I'll just do several useless, pointless, fluffy posts!

Why is the word fluffy so much fun to look at? It's fun to say too... Like gerbil. And ninja. lol WOW. >.> If I weren't barricaded in the relatively cool paradise that is my room, I would probably be getting some really weird looks from my mom... Actually, I take that back- she's sleeping. My ipod is bipolar when I put it on shuffle. We have gone from Peter Kater to Cradle of Filth to Enya to Lamb of God... Then Symphony X and now Deathstars... See, I wasn't kidding when I said I liked just about any kind of music. lol

This post is so tiny compared to yesterday! Then again, I'm not attempting to recap almost an entire year, so... Meh! If only my life was interesting! In a good way. My life has already been interesting in a bad way- perhaps I should be more thankful for the lack of activity.

It's still super hot out... And humid. I heard it was supposed to get up to 100 on Friday. -.- I SERIOUSLY hope that changes. And I hope Saturday is mild too, since that's the day we'll be having our Fourth of July cookout. YAY FIREWORKS! lol Like I said last year- anything that involves a half ton of explosives is okay by me! Oh well, even if it is really hot on  Saturday, we'll be down by the river, so that should help a little. ^^

Okay, my hand is feeling better now, maybe I'll color another picture. On a coloring pages kick lately, it's relaxing, and distracts me from my thoughts... Sometimes. Any leads on that wretched cherub yet? lol What a pain.

"There's nothing like unrequited love to take all the flavor out of a peanut butter sandwich."
-Charlie Brown
(Oh, COME ON! >.< That's not even remotely funny!)
"Man cannot live by bread alone; He must have peanut butter."
-James A. Garfield                                       
(That's better. I LIKE this guy! ^^)

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