Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Slip Up in Common Sense

Yeah. You'd think that when it's this hot outside, I'd be wise enough to drink lots of water. After all, I didn't go through four years of band camp for nothing. But no. Wisdom comes and goes with me, I guess- since I haven't managed more than a half a bottle of water the entire day.

So there I was, suffering from dehydration and heat exhaustion all at once, you'd think maybe then I'd drink some water? Nah, how 'bout a frecking nap! >.< Naturally, once I got up I was easily as unsteady as a baby giraffe with a blood alcohol of 8. Not .8. EIGHT. lol A good remedy for that is a cool shower, and I feel a bit better now, though still quite ill. Sipping a bottle of water right now in an attempt to remedy my earlier stupidity.

But anyway. I printed off some more coloring pages- they're so super easy too... But they were cute. My reasoning has gone completely out the window today, clearly. And the more I try not to think, the more I think... And the more I try to think about something else, the harder it is to actually do. I'm about ready to give up resisting- too much effort for so few results. And none of them positive. Man, I'm hopeless. It's sickening.
"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit at a typewriter and bleed."
                                                                                                    -Ernest Hemingway

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